1. Identification of Producers/Creators
a. Where did your samples (images, video, audio) come from?
All of our videos came from multiple sources off the internet. Youtube specifically has been the main source of our videos which were uploaded and created by other users. We also used other organizations such as the Huffington Post and NBC.
The Futurama video clip is property of Fox Broadcasting Company
The Simpson clip is property of Fox Broadcasting Company
Video clip of Trump (“Clinton, Yes” & “I want you to be happy”) is property of PBS News Hour and was uploaded to Youtube by the company
Video clip about Hillary stating Trump should not be in charge of the law is property of ABC 15 Arizona (News company) and was uploaded to Youtube by the company
The SNL video clip is property of NBC
Video clip of each candidate exchanging positive words is property of Huffington Post
b. Who has taken part in the creation of these samples?
i. Individuals?
The videos we used from Youtube were most likely uploaded by individuals who have an account with Youtube.
ii. A community?
iii. A company or other organization?
Within the Huffington Post and NBC sources they were creations of those individual organizations.
c. Do you have a connection to any of these individuals or groups?
i. Is this connection close, or does it resemble seven steps to Kevin Bacon?
The connection we have to both political parties are not closely related, each of us in our group don’t support either candidate. The relation to each of the parties are more closely related to the seven steps to Kevin Bacon.
d. Do you think your relation (or lack of relation) to these individuals or groups gives you more or less constraints to sample and remix their creative work?
Because we have very little ties to the individuals in the clips we felt very little constraint when remixing the videos. Since no one in our group is strongly for or against the political candidates we felt very free to do what we wanted.
2. Identification of Caring/Wounding a To the best of your ability, please research the groups and/or individuals from whom you have sampled. According to your sources (scholarly, popular, friends, etc.), what are some of the cultural values of these people and their communities? Provide some evidence for your claims. If you identify as a member of one of these communities, explain how you have come to understand the community’s values and how your own understanding of these values might differ from others in the community
Both the Huffington Post and NBC communities are credible sources that had their own view of the individual clips that we sampled. Both sources have professional values that make them a credible source for important information. Obviously SNL (Saturday Night Live) takes a more humorous approach that magnifies each individual's quirks and mistakes. Their values I feel are to be as “accurately humorous” as they can be, Youtube is a pool of varying opinions that allows individuals to post almost anything they want seen by others. They obviously have some values by restricting inappropriate videos/audio onto their website.
b Identify 3-5 of your acts of sampling in relation to the individuals and/or groups you identified above as either acts of caring or wounding or both. Address the following questions in this identification:
i In your sampling and remixing, are you potentially contradicting, subverting, changing, or even violating some of the values you researched above? Imagine someone sampling your work (something to which you have dedicated your life) and remixing it into a new work that actually violates the values expressed in your original work or that seems to take credit for authorship without acknowledging you. How do you think the “original” authors would react, should they witness your remix? How might it affect them?
Our video takes a more humorous approach (viewing Trump and Clinton as friends rather than enemies) which would support more of SNL’s values rather than the more professional sources such as Huffington Post and NBC. Our video does take many samples out of context and would possibly offend someone, specifically the clip of Trump agreeing with Hillary that he should not be in charge of the law.
ii Are you appealing to their values? In other words, do you think the artists you sampled from would endorse how and what you sampled and remixed?
We took a more “SNL” approach towards our sampling by creating a light-hearted clip of the two competitors getting along which again, would be more in line with SNL’s values rather than the other credible sources we used.
iii Under what conditions might your act of caring be an act of wounding (and vice versa)?
Our video trying to view the two political competitors as friends might wound others that are completely against the other candidate. Someone might view the video that completely despises Donald Trump (Hillary Clinton for example) and would be offended.
c How might your caring and/or wounding change your relationship to those individuals or groups? Has your opinion of the different individuals and/or groups changed? Why or why not? How?
3 Identification of Ethicality a After completing and reflecting upon the previous sections, ask yourself the following questions:
i Do you consider your acts of wounding and/or caring to be ethical?
i Why or why not? Can you justify your acts of wounding? How?
With the fact that we are taking almost every sample out of its original context would not make it ethical.
ii If you decide to distribute your remix, do you think it would be legal?
With the information we have within the video, it would most likely not be legal because there are no sources for which we took our samples from.
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